Local authorities will be required to produce EV charging strategies
The Department for Transport (DfT) has said it is looking to introduce a statutory duty for local transport authorities to have local electric vehicle (EV) charging strategies.
In its response to the Future of Transport Zero Emission Vehicles consultation, the DfT says it will update Local Transport Plans to include the need for Local Transport Authorities to produce local electric vehicle (EV) charging strategies.
The DfT says the rapid charging fund will be used to support sites with open-access charging and competition on site.
It will also monitor the rollout of charging infrastructure in non-residential car parks, and review powers if installations are insufficient.
It may also develop secondary legislation under the Automated Electric Vehicle Act (2018) to mandate provision of chargepoints at strategically important sites.
Regarding the regulations to improve consumer experience at public chargepoints, the DfT says it will seek to encourage best practice and continue to monitor progress in this area through ongoing engagement with industry, working with the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) to enforce the regulations and other non-legislative means.