ClientEarth and businesses call for action on air pollution


A group of organisations, including UPS, Lime and Ricardo, have joined up with environmental lawyers ClientEarth calling on the UK government to take quicker action on air pollution.

In an open letter to the Chancellor, the group have called on the government to support a four-point plan to speed up electric vehicle (EV) uptake and accelerate action on air pollution.

Ahead of the Chancellor's Spending Review, they call for a ‘mobility credit scheme’ to incentivise people to switch from an older polluting vehicle to a cleaner form of transport, as well as increased funding for businesses developing technologies that support a zero-emission transport system.

The letter also urges for measures that would incentivise the uptake of cleaner vehicles until they reach cost-parity with petrol and diesel counterparts, and a long-term plan for delivering electric vehicle infrastructure.

Dominic Phinn, who leads business engagement on air pollution at ClientEarth, said: "The government has announced a slew of ambitious reforms to tackle the climate and air pollution crises.

"Businesses now want to see if this is going to be backed up by a clear roadmap with incentives, regulation and funding. This would allow them to invest in cleaner forms of transport with confidence.

"We need to be honest, some businesses are opposing the inevitable direction of travel. But there is also broad appetite in the UK business community to fight against the negative impacts of air pollution.

"This action plan has real teeth and if the government takes it up, businesses will have the clarity they need to move forward with the transition."