Consultation on revising the government's Air Quality Strategy

The government has launched a consultation, seeking views on a revised Air Quality Strategy which outlines how councils in England should use their existing powers and responsibilities more effectively to deliver improvements to air quality.
The draft strategy outlines the actions councils can undertake to improve air quality, and reduce emissions of fine particulate matter.
It also provides a framework to enable local authorities to make the best use of their powers and deliver for their communities
Following consultation, a final strategy will be published, providing a framework to support local action to improve air quality, in consultation with local communities.
The final strategy will complement the range of support government makes available to local authorities, including £883 million allocated under the Nitrogen Dioxide Programme, and funding awarded annually under Defra’s local Air Quality Grant scheme to develop and implement measures that benefit schools, businesses and communities, and reduce the impact of polluted air on people’s health.
The government also wants to help councils to improve air quality more quickly by assessing their performance and use of existing powers, while supporting them with clear guidance, funding and tools. The consultation (link) represents a significant step forward in the delivery of these commitments.