Clepington Road Charging Oasis

Company Focus

Dundee City Council recognises that it is essential that everyone can charge their vehicle easily and is now one step closer to realising that goal with the new rapid charging hub at Clepington Road, which was carefully designed with accessibility in mind and opened in April 2023.

In the two-year design process, special attention was paid to those suffering from mobility issues, long-term pain, visual impairments, and those over pension age. The process involved engaging with smart and sustainable cities consultancy, Urban Foresight, as well as drivers with a disability, charities, and manufacturers. The inclusion of disabled drivers in the conversation allowed for a better understanding of potential barriers they may face from standard charging hubs.

The charging hub on Clepington Road comprises five 50kW rapid chargers and a single 150kW ultra-rapid charger, which provide nine parking bays. On the site, drivers with disabilities will find solutions designed to accommodate their needs. Revisions were made to both the design of charge points and to the physical environment surrounding them.

Firstly, the council put a major focus on ensuring clear and accessibility-checked signage. The decision to remove kerbs, raised plinths and bollards from around charge points and provide an accessible size of bays (3.6m wide and 6m long) contributes to safe maneuvering in and out of vehicles. Contrasting colours were incorporated in the design of several features on the site, such as the wheel stops and cables, to improve visibility and prevent trip hazards. An automated cable reel retention system was developed to relieve users of cable weight.

Besides the accessibility element, the site also offers a rest stop with a drinking water station. This pioneering installation manufactured by Bluewater provides free and purified drinking water for all users. It incorporates a fully integrated rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater from the solar canopy at the hub and store it in a 5000-litre underground storage tank. The collected rainwater undergoes a range of advanced purification technologies before it is dispensed. It is clear why the site is often called 'The Clepington Road Charging Oasis!’

Dundee aims to continue to develop accessible charging infrastructure and set the standards for inclusivity across the country. The Clepington Road hub began the process of improving accessibility at charging hubs. Dundee City Council indicates that the current mobility system is not perfect, but it is a big step in the right direction.